Neterra listed as a key data center investor in Central and Eastern Europe

  • 21 January, 2022


BGR: Neterra is listed as a key data center investor in Central and Eastern Europe, according to the report Central and Eastern Europe Data Center Market - Industry Outlook & Forecast 2022-2027, published by the international information service provider GII.

The list also includes Amazon, Microsoft, Equinix, Google, Digital Realty, NTT, Yandex and others.

As a company that has been operating in the global market for 26 years, providing worldwide connectivity in a highly competitive environment, Neterra has been investing long-term and strategically in the construction and maintenance of independent, neutral data centers.

Neterra provides its customers with first-class colocation, fast and secure connectivity, equipment and servers for rent, lower cooling costs, 24/7 support.

Sofia Data Center 1 (SDC 1) is in Sofia, Bulgaria. It was built in accordance with the requirements of TIER III. The building is specially designed for a data center and meets the highest international standards.

SDC Stolnik is part of the Stolnik Park Data Center - the largest data center and telecommunications hub in the region. It offers unlimited space for colocation and power. SDC Stolnik also has specially designed crypto-mining halls.

SDC Ruse is the main point of presence of BFOR (Bulgarian Fiber Optics Route) - the shortest route between Romania and Turkey.

In March 2022, Neterra is going to open its newest data center, Sofia Data Center 2 (SDC 2). It is located next to SDC 1, and its customers will benefit from the already established business and telecommunications infrastructure - connectivity with all existing Neterra customers and access to high-speed, secure and reserved international networks and routes.

The first customers of SDC 2 receive a 10% discount from the standard colocation price.

Through its data centers and the already established global network of points of presence in more than 180 countries, Neterra provides a wide portfolio of services: international connectivity and connection with some of the world's largest operators and content creators.

SDC provides customers also with high-performance physical and cloud servers, DDoS attacks protection, backup services (BaaS). Thus, companies spend investment in expensive equipment, specialists and software, relying on impeccable technical and IT support.

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Neterra listed as a key data center investor in Central and Eastern Europe